At its December 14 meeting, the Sacramento County Committee on School District Organization approved new trustee area boundaries for the Sacramento County Board of Education. The map of the seven areas was adjusted to balance the population, based on 2020 U.S. Census data. Professional demographers from Cooperative Strategies, LLC, assisted and provided expertise throughout the redistricting process.
After the U.S. Census data is released every 10 years, school districts and county boards of education evaluate their trustee area boundaries and make any adjustments necessary to balance population and meet other state and federal criteria. Before adopting the new map, the Board’s redistricting process and potential map scenarios were reviewed and considered at four public meetings with the assistance of the demographers. The process was publicized in a variety of ways. Public comment on the redistricting and alternative boundaries was solicited through notices on SCOE’s website, social media posts, news releases sent to local school districts and 23 regional television/print media outlets, a public notice in the Sacramento Bee, and communications with SCOE’s employee associations. The County Committee received and considered public comment before adopting the final map of trustee areas.