Vision, Mission, and Goals


Empower, inspire, and provide pathways for learners to thrive personally, within their communities, in college, and in careers.


Provide leadership, build partnerships, and implement innovative programs and policies that ensure opportunity and access to empowering educational experiences for each and every learner.

Goals and Objectives

  1. Prepare Students—SCOE staff provide comprehensive support and opportunities to ensure that each and every student is prepared for success in the community, college, and career.
    • Develop welcoming and safe learning environments that are academically rigorous, culturally relevant, and inclusive; and provide career, civic, and college experiences.
    • Promote opportunities to empower youth voice and engagement for students enrolled in SCOE programs and school districts.
    • Develop schools as “Centers of Wellness” that provide access to prevention, intervention, and crisis support to advance educational equity and support the development of the whole child.
    • Empower, engage, and support students, caregivers, and partners as resources for student success.
  2. Provide Leadership—Provide leadership and support to Sacramento County’s districts and schools to enhance students’ health, well-being, and academic achievement. Focus on continuous learning and improvement efforts to ensure equity, access, and success for each and every student.
    • Cultivate a culture that promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
    • Foster equitable practices, policies, and decision-making within SCOE that increase student academic proficiency and close opportunity, access, and achievement gaps.
    • Prepare and support the development of effective pipelines of diverse and highly effective teachers, leaders, and support staff.
    • Provide high-quality programs and professional learning opportunities that support county school districts. Programs include curriculum, instruction, and assessment; youth development; civic engagement; school safety; violence prevention; substance abuse prevention; social-emotional learning and student wellness; family and community engagement; and outdoor education at Sly Park Environmental Education Center.
    • Provide the mandated fiscal oversight of Sacramento County’s public school districts (AB 1200) through technical assistance and regular fiscal monitoring.
  3. Build Collaborative Partnerships—Engage creatively and collaboratively with districts, youth, schools, families, community leaders, and public and private partners to achieve educational equity, whole child development, and the betterment of the Sacramento region.
    • Collaborate with local governments and community partners to create schools as “Centers of Wellness” focused on the whole child by providing mental health support, social-emotional learning, and opportunities to amplify student voices.
    • Support school districts to actively and equitably engage families and to support student learning and development.
  4. Monitor Program Effectiveness—Create a culture of continuous improvement to advance equity and ensure high academic achievement and life preparation for each and every student.
    • Monitor, report, and adjust to increase the effectiveness and impact of SCOE programs and strategies.
    • Use qualitative and quantitative data to measure impact.


  1. Advance equity and reduce achievement gaps.
  2. Increase access to healthy development.
  3. Amplify youth and parent voice, and enhance family and community engagement.
  4. Support civic education and implementation of County Seal of Civic Engagement.